October Read Aloud
In Read Aloud this
month, we are reading Eggs by Jerry Spinelli. For a
summary of the book, click here. As we read, we are discussing the big ideas
or themes in the book. Together, we are working on the
following skills:
· Determining the
lesson/moral/theme/central message
· Making inferences
about the characters as well as tone and mood
· Drawing conclusions
and predicting what's to come
· Thinking about the
author's craft and purpose
· Monitoring for
meaning by using context to determine word meaning and interpreting figurative
In addition, we are
learning the following vocabulary words to improve our Read Aloud conversation.
These words will help us articulate our thinking as we discuss the
book Eggs. Click the link below to find a copy of our
Vocabulary Packet with the 14 words, definitions, and synonyms. Students
will be quizzed weekly on these words. The purpose of this is to ensure
that the students have a deep understanding of the words because they will be
used all year. They should become a part of your child's permanent
vocabulary. Students have been provided with a list of "Ways to Study
Vocabulary Words". A copy of this list is below. Please
encourage your child to find a method that works best for them.
There are plenty of study options for active students, music
lovers, and artists.
Eggs Conversation
1. impulsive
2. self-centered
3. manipulative
4. passive
5. tolerant
6. resilient
7. conceited
8. brash
9. feisty
10. defiant
11. compassionate
12. abandoned
13. mourning
14. ignoring
Vocabulary Homework Schedule
Day 1: In your own
words- Write the vocabulary words and definitions in your own words.
Day 2: Visual Representation- Draw a picture
representing the vocabulary words (or find an illustration). Write a caption
explaining your picture.
Day 3: Meaningful
Sentences- Write each vocabulary word in a sentence. Your sentences must
contain the words when or because (see example below).
Word: Compassionate
The boy was compassionate when he
offered to share his snack with the new girl at school.
The boy was compassionate because he
understood how it felt to be made fun of.
Day 4: Study Night- Create a synonym tree or
web for each word or choose 1 option from the menu to help you study all the
vocab words.
Fifth graders will continue to work on their self-evaluation skills during read-aloud using the rubric below:
How well did I…
pay attention to the person speaking (eyes, body, brain)?
use a loud voice so others could hear me?
express my thoughts in detail (use evidence from the story)?
build on the ideas of others instead of having a popcorn
Tomorrow’s Goal:
Tomorrow’s Goal:
Tomorrow’s Goal:
Tomorrow’s Goal:
Tomorrow’s Goal:
4- I did an AMAZING job- I couldn’t do any better!
3- I did a pretty good job, but could work to make it perfect.
2- I did an okay job, but should work to make it better.
1- I didn’t really try at all and need to work hard to make it
MUCH better
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